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[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“Ravno Selo film festival of the first and second film“ uniqid=“61704871f136c“]

The Ravno Selo Film Festival is oriented towards young people and serves as a debut festival for directors making their first or second film. It is traditionally open with a film music concert. This year, in addition to the main program of six films chosen by Dragan Jelicic, two of which are world premieres, and the student film program of two academies, the festival introduced a third selection called „Short 100 minutes,“ which screened documentaries that drew a lot of attention from critics and the public in the previous period, chosen by program selector Igor Toholj.

Every year, with the help of young actress Lora Đurović and director Goran Nikolić, we host a film workshop for high school students from the area, within which there is a special screening of films titled „Filmic“ – Novi Sad Youth Film Review.

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ uniqid=“5cc7ee4a49502″ heading=“Program of the festival“]
[pt_button align=“center“ style=“style1 with-arrow“ uniqid=“5d95d175f211a“ link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fravnoseloff.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F06%2Fprogram-za-web-eng.png|title:Download%20Program|target:%20_blank|“]
[pt_button align=“center“ style=“style1 with-arrow“ uniqid=“5d94f62e6bded“ link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fravnoseloff.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F06%2FRavno-Selo-FF_5_katalog-A5_compressed.pdf|title:Download%20Catalogue%202021|target:%20_blank|“]
[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“Jury Members“ uniqid=“617048c816ae5″]

Svetozar Cvetković (President)
/Actor and Producer/

Staša Koprivica
/Director and Screenwriter/

Vuk Ršumović
/Director and Screenwriter/

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“Audience Jury“ uniqid=“6170491054c65″]

Maja Maraš (President)
/president of the Organizing Committee of Ravno Selo/

Tijana Aleksić
/Deputy Mayor of Vrbas Municipality/

Marija Bognar

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“President of the one-member jury –
Documentary program of short 100 minutes“]
[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“President of the one-member selection jury –
Student film“]
[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“President of the one-member jury –
Documentary program of short 100 minutes“ uniqid=“6170495461a28″]

Dejan Petrović
/Director and Producer/

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ heading=“President of the one-member selection jury –
Student film“ uniqid=“61704975d780c“]

Nevena Matović

Dejan Petrović
/Director and Producer/

Nevena Matović

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ uniqid=“5d9545763395a“ sub_heading=“About“ heading=“Ravno Selo“]

Ravno Selo is a typical village in the Bačka region; it is the furthest village from the municipal center of Vrbas, although it is well connected to the western parts of Bačka, and the Republic of Croatia. It is situated between Kulpin and Zmajevo, or as the editor of the Bačka County monograph, Samu Borovski, would say, „Stare Šove (which was the name of the village until 1946), sits in the Novi Sad region, between Kulpin and Stari Ker (Zmajevo). According to legend, the village was founded in the 15th century and the first recorded documents about the settlement date from 1484 and 1502.

Egeriš Idečkij, a Hungarian nobleman, was one of the area’s proprietors, and the river Jegrička, which runs through the village, was named after him.

[pt_button align=“center“ link=“url:http%3A%2F%2Fravnoseloff.com%2Fravno-selo|title:Find%20out%20more||“ uniqid=“617049cf6bf1e“]
[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ uniqid=“5d950899a0cd8″ heading=“Sponsors and supporters“ heading_hex=“#000000″]
[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ uniqid=“5d95055958696″ heading=“Special thanks“]

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Secretariat for Culture of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Municipality of Vrbas
RTV Vojvodina
Vrbas Cultural Center
to the Center for Physical Culture Vrbas
Elementary school Branko Radičević from Ravni Selo
PUK Komunalac
An active woman from Ravni Selo
KUD „SHOVE“ Ravno Selo
KUD „LOGOVAC“ Despotovo
KUD „BEJARAC“ Novi Becej
Kindergarten „RAINBOW“
Folk ensemble of KC Vrbas
to all Ravnoselci, all youth and artists.

[pt_heading content_aling=“tac“ heading_size=“h3″ decor_type=“bottom-line“ uniqid=“5d9509bebf49c“ heading=“Festival team“ heading_hex=“#000000″]

Founder and Festival Director | Lazar Ristovski
Art director | Marko Čkonjević
Executive producer | Iva Čolić i Aleksandra Mitrić Štifanić
Guest selector main program | Dragan Jeličić
Guest selector documentary program | Igor Toholj
Technical Director | Jovan Ristovski
Editor | Mišo Ždinjak
Film workshop Mentor | Lora Đurović
Designer | Jelena Mrkić

Technical and program logistics | Petar Madžić I Bratislav Radovanović
Sound design | Sreten Kovačević
PR and socal networks | ProPR (Jasmina Krstić-Latinović, Ana Dimitrijević i Cvijeta Radović)
Prizes and plaques | Petar Đurić
Festival hosts | Aleksandar Teofanov, Bogdan Krčmar, Miljan Maraš,Tijana Aleksić i Sanja Žigić
Organizing Committee of RS | Vuk Jevtović, Nebojša Dešić, Bojana Puzigaća,Valentina Marić, Marija Zlatović
Finance director | Jelica Rosandić

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